Assista ao vídeo "Spiegel"
de Wim Vandekeybus
que está programado para a
Mostra Sesc de Artes
Ultima vez "Spiegel" (1min13seg)
Games are played: a dancer throws a stone in the air and remains under it until another dancer pulls or pushes him away, catching the stone. Every movement requires absolutely precise timing, and the dancers' inexhaustible energy physically impacts viewers, setting them on the edge of their seats. Since his sensational 1987 debut, Belgian dancemaker Wim Vandekeybus and his company Ultima Vez ("The Last Time") has stunned audiences and critics alike with risk-taking choreography. Now, 20 years later, with almost as many inspired creations to his credit, Vandekeybus presents Spiegel, a powerful, erotic work in which he looks in the mirror for inspiration from his entire oeuvre, pushing Ultima Vez to its limits in a fusion of live action, film, and music seething with emotion and sensuality. The score includes works by David Byrne. This program contains nudity.
Assista também aos vídeos
Menske (1min08seg) e Lux (3min17seg)
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Wim Vandekeybus
em São Paulo
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